Meals & Cool Milk

6crooy7EiWe are proud to have been awarded the Healthy Schools Enhanced Award and realise how important it is for children to start considering healthy diets at a young age. Our school lunch service is provided by Twelve15 and these are cooked in the kitchen on the school site. The children are given a choice of three meals each day which are on a three weekly cycle; a meat option, a vegetarian option and a jacket potato with a filling. All these meals are now free for children of Infant School age.

In addition to a school dinner, children also have the option to bring a packed lunch from home but we ask parents not to include any nut products, as we do have children in our community with a range of complex allergies. We would also ask that you support us with our healthy message to the children by providing a healthy packed lunch and please do not include any sweets or fizzy drinks.

Allergy Information
Twelve15 is fully compliant with the requirements of Natasha’s Law which came into legislation on 1 October 2021. More information is available by clicking on their website below:

Fruit and Vegetables

The government funds a free piece of fruit or vegetable each school day. Parents and carers are requested not to provide additional snacks.

Drinking water is available throughout the school day at water fountains and pupils are encouraged to bring a suitable bottle each day with only water in it. We have our own school water bottle available to purchase from Brenda's if you would like to.

Cool Milk
Children may also have a carton of milk each morning if you register for this. This is operated through a scheme called “Cool Milk”. All under fives can have milk free and over 5's at a subsidised rate. Children can only have the milk if a parent/carer registers them for it (even if they are free school milk).

Click to access full details of how to register for the scheme.

Click here for information regarding free school meal eligibility.

Click here for information regarding Twelve15 who are our Catering Provider.

Nurture Enrich Inspire
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