Absence & Attendance

Please see our 'Policies' page for our attendance policy.

We are committed to developing and implementing policies and practices which support good attendance, in partnership with parents, carers, pupils and governors, and with other organisations who have an interest in, or are affected by, attendance. We provide a nurturing and inclusive environment where all pupils feel valued and welcome. For a child to reach their full educational achievement, regular attendance is essential. Pupils are expected to attend school every day and arrive on time. We will consistently work with parents and pupils to achieve our expectation of 100% attendance for all children.


If a child is too unwell to attend school, parents are expected to contact the academy via telephone (or email) as early as possible and always by 8:30am, leaving an appropriate message. This information will be collated and the registers adjusted to reflect the information. If we have not received an update from a parent or carer, a phone call home will be made immediately following the close of registration.

If we are not able to make contact, we will contact all emergency contacts. If we are still unable to make contact, we may make a doorstop welfare check and, following this, offer further support. 


The register is taken at 8:45am and closes at 9:05am. Pupils arriving after 8:45am but before the close of registration (9:05am) will be marked as late; this is recorded using the L code. 

After 9:05am, pupils will be marked as absent for the morning session; this is recorded using the U code. Parents/carers will be contacted and asked to provide a reason for this absence.

Academy Day Timings

At Sandringham Infant and Nursery Academy, the school gates open at 8:25am.
Classroom doors open at 8:35am and close at 8:45am.
All pupils are expected to be in school, settled and ready for registration to start at 8:45am.
The school gates close at 8:45am.

Any child arriving after registration has started (8:45am) is required to go to the academy office and enter the building via the academy office.
A parent or carer should give a reason for the lateness, which will be added to the register. The child will then walk, or be escorted, to their classroom.

All registers at the academy are closed at 9:05am.



Nurture Enrich Inspire
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